Strange But True


It’s always a bit of a change of tempo to address a one day project. With the Assessment looming, a double project on the go and essay results in a couple of days some might say it was a completely unneeded situation. However, I’m not one of these people. Having had two so far, with very different outcomes (one went incredibly well, the other resulted in three very stressful hours staring at a single sheet of paper), I find the possibilities of outcomes very exciting.

We were allowed to choose our groups also which was brilliant. I joined up with Amy Austin and Luke Attwood for the duration of the day and we chose our envelope to work on. We had a variety of stories to choose from but settled on the ‘phenomena’ of the stone toads. The stories go that there are various documented cases in the recent past of rocks emerging having been encased in stone for an unknown length of time. There was a particular case of a frog emerging from a piece of coal in a mans fireplace. Intriguingly he frog was partially transparent and appeared to have no mouth, the frog survived a further five weeks after being fished from the fireplace.

We quickly decided on stop motion as the time pressures didn’t leave us much time to deliberate. We stopped by the shop to grab some materials and then headed back to start forming our genes. Together we thought that we would be better off doing a short illustration of the frog in the fireplace rather than attempting a complicated story. Here above are some of the stills from the final piece!

The day was brilliant, we were able to develop our knowledge of stop motion greatly in a short space of time and accomplish something that we were all pretty chuffed with at the end of it. It was especially ideal for me as I wanted to experiment with block paper collage for my images of Giacometti the Yeti. I think in someways the stills are just as successful as the final video. It might be fun to use this method to come up with the frames for my Graphic Novel (sequential images) for my final outcome. All in all a brilliant day! If very knackering.

Sadly the blog platform seems to not want to upload the video of the animation so here’s the youtube link (cop out I know)


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