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Education Research Seminar 4th February 2016

The Education Research Centre and School of Education hosted this event entitled Governing knowledge? Ofsted and the governing of education in England.
Jenny Ozga (Professor Emeritus, University of Oxford) presented the seminar at the Westlain Building on the Falmer campus of the University of Brighton on Thursday 4 February 2016.

Seminar 04/02/2016

School Inspection involves the construction and mobilisation of particular conceptions of knowledge, judgement and expertise. This seminar explored some of the shifting criteria and practices of inspection visible in the recent development of school inspection in England as organised through the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted). At stake in these processes are the shifting relationships between different types of knowledge (not least data and professionally informed observation); the types of expertise and authority understood to be embodied in the inspector; and the forms of judgement that are exercised in inspection.  Drawing on recently completed research funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, the seminar explored the political and governmental pressures that drive changes in the construction and mobilisation of knowledge in school inspection and considered what new problems may arise as a consequence of such changes.

Jenny Ozga FBA, FAcSS

Professor Emeritus, Department of Education, the University of Oxford. Honorary Professorial Fellow, School of Social and Political Science, the University of Edinburgh.

This was an important event highlighting and critically exploring inspection processes in schools, attended by University of Brighton academics, lecturers and students.
You can view a recording of the event here:

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