Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

Meet the School of Education Titans

The  School of Education has been the launchpad for thousands of exceptional teachers for over 100 years. To celebrate a new campaign called ‘Brighton’s Titans’, we thought we would highlight just a few of our great alumni who have gone on to become first-class educators.

Troop to Teachers Success

Troops to Teacher (TtT) student Andy Watts shared in the accolades at the 2016 Pearson Teaching Awards. The Head Teacher of the Year in a Primary School title went to former Royal Artillery officer Matt Middlemore, a supporter of the TtT programme, who said he wished he could give pieces of the  trophy to pupils, parents…

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Seminars: Video Links to Seminars Available

Online videos are now available for these previous seminars: Dr Jo-Anne Dillabough University of Cambridge – ‘Cultural estrangement, ‘expulsions’ and the re-making of youth cultures in the securitized state: a South African and Canadian comparison’. (Thursday 10th March 2016) Jenny Ozga, Professor Emeritus, University of Oxford – ‘Governing Knowledge? Ofsted and the Governing of Education in England’….

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Seminar: Dr Matt Finn, University of Exeter Thurs 3rd November

The Education Research Centre and School of Education present: How can we think about data in schools? Atmospheres of progress and forging futures in a data-based school.  With Dr Matt Finn, University of Exeter  Thurs 3rd November, 4 – 5.30 pm Mayfield 129, Falmer Campus For full details about this event click here

Seminar: William Eiduks and Len Clarke, the Early Pestalozzi Project – Thursday 27th October

The Early Pestalozzi Children Project: recovering a lost story of refugees, childcare and education through oral history With William Eiduks and Len Clarke, the Early Pestalozzi Project Thursday 27th October, 1-2pm For full details about this event click here

Research Seminar: Professor Gary McCulloch – Thursday 17th November

The Education Research Centre and School of Education present: A neoconservative moment?  Education for character and the nation in the 21st century With Professor Gary McCulloch Thursday 17th November, 4.15 – 5.45 pm Mayfield 129, Falmer Campus For full details about this event please click here

Local school pupils take over lecture for trainee teachers

School pupils turned lecturers for a day recently when they gave a lesson to a group of trainee teachers. The group of year 11 students, from Steyning Grammar School, visited the University of Brighton and presented a lesson to 160 of our trainee teachers on ‘Great Teacher, Great Lesson’.

The School of Education welcomes young researchers

Four budding researchers arrived at the Falmer campus last week to present their research to the PGCE Primary cohort. They were invited by Senior Lecturers Pamela Lewis and Dr Rachel Marks as part of a collaborative project between the University of Brighton, The Open University and pupils from City Whitehawk Academy, Brighton. The early researchers shared their enquiries,…

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Support Learning 11-19 Years BA (Hons)

We are now accepting applications for our 4-year, part-time course leading to a BA (Hons) degree.

Research Seminar 13 October 2016

Walk a while in my shoes – student-staff partnerships for new perspectives With Joy Jarvis, Professor of Educational Practice, and Karen Clark, Learning, Teaching and Innovation Centre, University of Hertfordshire Thursday 13th October 1- 2pm Mayfield 126, Falmer Campus, 2016 For full details about this event please click here  

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