Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

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Exciting research opportunity!

The University of Brighton is currently offering schools the opportunity to engage in beneficial research.

A small-scale study is being conducted by the School of Education to develop understanding of the role of textbooks within mathematics teaching. Through a combination of observation and interviews, this research seeks to explore how teachers make sense of textbook approaches, and how they are being supported to use textbooks in developing a mastery approach.

Developing this understanding will allow recommendation as to how Initial Teacher Education (ITE) providers and schools can support the training and development of prospective and qualified teachers. We will also be able to make recommendations to publishers as to the role they can play in supporting the successful use of textbooks in schools.

We are currently seeking four infant, junior, primary or pre-prep/prep schools to take part, and are able to pay supply costs for the release of any staff involved in the study.

To be eligible to participate, your school must:

  • be using a mastery textbook scheme as the main approach to teaching mathematics (e.g. MNP, Inspire, Power Maths, Mathematics Mastery)
  • have been using the selected scheme for at least a year
  • have at least one NQT who would be happy to be involved in project
  • have a maths subject lead who would be happy to be involved in the project.

If you are interested in being involved or would like to find out more, please contact the Principal Investigator, Dr Rachel Marks:

Sally Curley • November 8, 2018

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