Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

Brighton Museum entrance

Visiting Brighton Museum to explore inclusion and diversity

Final year students studying our Education BA(Hons) recently visited Brighton Museum to explore how issues of inclusion and diversity are reflected in how artefacts/resources are curated.

The trip was planned to support one of their modules ‘Learning in Practice’ where students study how learning can take place in a diverse range of contexts and with a diverse range of resources.

As part of the module, students study how learning in both formal and informal contexts is designed to be inclusive. The visit to the museum encouraged them to explore how curators in museums work to make their resources and collections accessible and inclusive for a diverse range of audiences.

Inside the main hall at Brighton museum Students also met with museum curator Simone Lacorbiniere who works on the museum’s ‘Culture Change Project’ to decolonise the museum’s collection. The students focused on two current exhibitions “World Stories from Brighton” and “Queer the Pier ” which enabled them to different aspects of diversity and inclusion.

Keith Turvey, course module lead said: “Education is a broad field and people learn in a range of contexts. Trips like this enable our education students to explore the range of relevant professional contexts for an education degree.”

Find out more about education studies degrees at the University of Brighton.

Christina Camm • March 5, 2024

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