Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

students in lecture

Upcoming events for offer holders

University of Brighton applicant days are a great way to learn more about the course you’ve applied for and what we have to offer.

If you’re an offer holder for our Education BA(Hons) or Early Childhood Education and Care BA(Hons) we have in-person events taking place on our Falmer campus on:

  • Wednesday 9 March
  • Saturday 26 March

And there’s still time to book your place for either event!

You’ll get to take part in a course-related activity, join a course talk, and meet staff and current students – all alongside other offer holders who are looking to join us this September. You’ll also get tours of the great facilities we have on the Falmer campus including:

We’re really looking forward to welcoming you to our Falmer campus.

view of checkland building

Kerry Burnett • February 25, 2022

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