Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

An emotional celebration

Over 60 past and current students and staff came together at the Falmer campus to celebrate 20 years of providing Youth Work courses.

We were delighted to be joined by our VC, Debra Humpris, Leigh Middleton, CEO of the National Youth Agency and Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP.

Leigh spoke about the challenges youth work has faced over the years with regards to funding but that he was confident that change is on the horizon.

He also spoke highly of the University of Brighton and said: “Brighton is crucial and without doubt one of the highest regarded courses in the country.”

Lloyd is the Member of Parliament for Brighton Kemptown and has launched a bid to introduce legislation to require local authorities to provide youth services on a statutory basis. During his speech at the event he said “he was proud to represent a constituency where the course exists” and that “Brighton is at the forefront of practice and should keep up the good work”.

Lloyd was also reunited with his own youth worker, Mel Parr, who is one of our graduates. He joked that “you can see she did at least one thing right”.

 Lloyd, on the right, with Mel Parr, centre, and current student Poppy Burt

There were very emotional speeches from past and present students describing how the course changed their lives reducing many of the guests to tears.

The event was also an opportunity to present a gift to principal lecturer Mel Gill who has been integral to our youth work programme, and who is taking early retirement next month.

In the past 20 years we have enabled over 230 students to gain a youth work degree, studying part-time whilst working. Our part-time work based learning programmes now cover all age phases. Find out more.



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Kerry Burnett • June 20, 2019

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