Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

World Book Day

Children wearing the facemasks they made at the universityTo celebrate World Book Day, 100 pupils from Breakwater Academy and Hertford Primary school spent a day at the University’s Falmer campus. 

The event was organised by Vicky Johnson, from the university’s outreach team as part of the Compact Plus Programme, in collaboration with the School of Education.  

The year 3 and 4 pupils took part in activities run by our primary trainee teachers, outreach staff and student ambassadors. Activities included designing book covers, creating character masks, storytelling, drama and a quest around the campus. 

The six trainee teachers volunteered to help on the day and it gave them some great inspiration for future World Book Days when they are qualified teachers.  

Vicky Johnson commented: “It was fantastic to see so many young students on the campus, dressed as their favourite book characters. I am so impressed with the sessions planned by our trainee teachers, which were engaging and really enjoyable.” 

Feedback from the teachers was overwhelmingly positive with Breakwaters class teacher saying: “The students really enjoyed the experience – well done to all concerned.”  

This was a sentiment echoed by Hertford: “Thanks for inviting us, children really enjoyed it, a nice variety of activities.” 

Laura Brett who works in our Curriculum Centre and ran some of the story telling sessions said: “It was wonderful to see so many staff dressed up and all the kids too. I was thrilled to meet a mini Sherlock who told me he’d be my best buddie!”.”

Thank you to all the schools that took part and the members of staff, trainee teachers and ambassadors.

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Kerry Burnett • March 8, 2019

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