Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

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Education MRes and EdD information evenings

Filled bookshelves with woman walking past holding booksFind out more about the Education MRes and EdD at one of our info evenings:

  • Monday 18 March, 4pm-5pm
  • Tuesday 19 March, 5-6pm

Both events take place at the University of Brighton’s Falmer campus.

The sessions will include information about the content of the MRes and the EdD programme as well as what is required for the application.

To reserve a place at one of the information sessions please contact the programme assistant, Adam Byford on 01273 643443.

About the programmes
The Education MRes is a research degree designed to meet your individual academic and professional needs and enable you to develop and extend your mastery of theory and practice in education research, including research methods and methodology. The programme supports the development of autonomous and critical education research and research-informed practice. It also specifically aims to consolidate your academic skills including writing for publication and includes a year-long research project.  On completion of the MRes you will have a comprehensive foundation for further postgraduate research at doctoral level and high-level research-based and research-informed professional practice.

The MRes also forms the first stage of Professional Doctorate in Education (EdD) which is a seven-year part-time programme designed to support those who have supporting formal or informal learning as part of their role, to research an aspect of their practice. Cohorts have included FE and HE lecturers, school teachers as well as individuals with staff development roles in a range of organisations.  In the final five years students complete a 60,000-word thesis.

An MA in education or a related discipline and a minimum of four years professional experience is normally required when applying for the MRes/EdD but we welcome applicants with relevant, high level professional experience.

You can find out more about the MRes  here and the EdD  here

Kerry Burnett • February 25, 2019

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