The School of Education welcomes young researchers
Four budding researchers arrived at the Falmer campus last week to present their research to the PGCE Primary cohort.
They were invited by Senior Lecturers Pamela Lewis and Dr Rachel Marks as part of a collaborative project between the University of Brighton, The Open University and pupils from City Whitehawk Academy, Brighton.
The early researchers shared their enquiries, methods, data and findings which were the result of a term long intervention with Dr Liz Chamberlain from the Open University’s Children’s Research Centre.
The quality of the work was both impressive and engaging and the event even more fascinating when students discovered that the young researchers were in fact aged just nine and ten. Topics presented were on the themes of choices of sport available in schools, the frequency of sport participation, top footballers as role models, and the use of ipads for learning.
The trainee teachers were really impressed with the confidence and passion they showed for their work and that they weren’t at all intimidated by the lecture theatre or the audience of 125 students. A question and answer session was handled with skills beyond their years. Deputy Head, Tina Reynolds praised the achievements of the pupils and the quality of their enquiries, demonstrating what can be achieved where high expectations and challenges are set.
Inviting these talented researchers into university provided the opportunity to showcase some personal research and inspire our PGCE cohort towards the professional enquiries they are about to embark upon very soon.