Education studies and teaching courses at Brighton news

Supporting our students


PASS stands for ‘peer assisted study sessions’. It is a student-led initiative where issues relating to course material and student life can be discussed in a friendly, informal environment with peers and trained student facilitators. PASS is shown to not only improve your confidence in your studies but research has hown that regular attendees have shown better knowledge and understanding of course material and have improved their grades by 10 – 20%!

Rob a member of PASS said: “PASS has allowed me to devlop a peer assisted work base that has benefitted both the structure and management of my work. I feel much more confident about tackling my assignments as I have picked up key pointers in PASS that I wouldn’t have otherwise been aware of.”

Support Tutoring

The University of Brighton believes that its students should have opportunities to review the academic, personal wellbeing and employability aspects of their development as they progress through their course. Support tutoring aims to achieve this by complementing both direct course delivery by academic staff and specialist support by Student Services.

Throughout the course students will be given the support and guidance to ensure they get the most out of their time with us.

View a copy of the most recent Education BA(Hons) support tutoring brochure.

Student Representatives

Our student representatives are there to make your views heard.

Grace, rep for the Education BA course says of her role: “Being a student representative is a rewarding role in itself. I am able to communicate to all of my cohort in order to make a change for the better! Within my role as a course representative, I have acquired the skill to communicate effectively whilst being mindful of confidentiality. This enables the opportunity for those who would not usually speak up, to make a stand through me. I particularly enjoy attending meetings as I can understand what changes are being made to the course as an insider (to then report back). I hope to continue fulfilling this role as I have fully enjoyed being a course representative thus far.”

Find out more about student life and support on our website.

Kerry Burnett • March 6, 2014

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