Knowledge Exchange Framework Steering Group – ECR Representative wanted!!!

We are looking for a volunteer from the ECR community to sit on a new Steering Group related to the Knowledge Exchange Framework.  This is a new framework, similar to REF and TEF  that we, as an institution will be submitting an application to.  It has two parts, a metrics part that presents our performance in different categories of knowledge exchange, and a Concordat that aims to encourage HEIs to improve KE practice. The KEF presents an opportunity to raise the profile of our knowledge exchange activity internally and externally, to optimise engagement and support for KE, noting the broad interpretation of KE that includes public engagement, student enterprise and commercialisation.  With institutional sign-up likely to be required in autumn 2019, the university is creating a new steering group to guide our KEF submission.  The members of the committee with be drawn from across the university and we are asking for a volunteer from the ECR community to sit on this group.  The ECR should have an interest and aptitude for KE with activities including:

  • Research partnerships including non-HEI partners
  • Working with business via KTP/contract research/consultancy
  • Working with public & third sector via contract research/consultancy
  • CPD and student entrepreneurship
  • Local growth and regeneration
  • IP and commercialisation (including spin outs and licencing)
  • Public and community engagement

It is proposed that the group meets at least three times per year with the first meeting early in the 19/20 academic year.   If you are intereted then please drop me ( or Shona Campbell ( an email and we can tell you more!

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