Get involved with the research themes of the Brighton Futures

Are you familiar with the Brighton Futures yet? There are five themes – Connected, Creative, Healthy, Radical and Responsible, and the idea is that researchers join working teams of these research themes to develop collaborative bids, publications and so on. If you would like to get to know more about them and get involved, there are various events and initiatives under the Brighton Futures banner that may be of interest to you this summer:

In date order: 

Refugee and Migration Network Launch

Monday, 18 June, 10:00–16:00

Radical Futures – BOOK HERE

This event launches the Refugee and Migration Network at the University of Brighton, with the support of Radical Futures. Bringing together academics, students, community groups and policy makers to attempt to answer the question: What role and responsibilities do Universities have in relation to refugees?


Housing Forum

Wednesday, 20 June. 15:00–18:00

Radical Futures – BOOK HERE

Following on from the success of the launch event, this session will start looking at: What knowledge can we share about the housing situation in Brighton and Hove? What do we not know and need to find out?


Brighton Futures International Research and Enterprise Event (*Key note information now available)

Monday, 25 June. 14:30–19:30 – BOOK HERE

All Brighton Futures

This networking event and evening barbecue is aimed at all staff and postgraduate students undertaking research and enterprise who have international experience or would like to work internationally. More information is now available about the key note speaker


Transport Networking Lunch

Friday, 29 June. 12:30–14:30

Connected Futures – BOOK HERE

An opportunity for colleagues with similar interests from across the University of Brighton to meet each other, discuss ideas and identify possible further interdisciplinary research and enterprise collaborations specifically linked to Transport.

Healthy Futures Showcasing Event

Thursday, 5 July. 9:00–16:30 – BOOK HERE

Healthy Futures

A one-day showcase event where speakers will present, to a wide range of stakeholders, the original thinking and innovation that our investigators bring to address issues affecting our local community as well as the global population.

Develop: Research (*booking is now open)

Academic Track at Develop:Brighton Conference

Tuesday, 10 July 2018. 14:00–20:00. BOOK HERE

Note: There will be a conference fee to pay, £114 early bird ends at 23:00 on 25 June. Fee includes access to the session plus entrance to the Expo and Ice Breaker Drinks.

Connected Futures

This session at Develop:Brighton is supported and organised by Connected Futures and will include speakers from the University of Brighton and others who are involved in gaming, serious games, play and gamification research that has industry relevance.

Archives, Narratives and Histories Networking Lunch (*new date)

Tuesday, 17 July. 12:30–14:30. BOOK HERE 

Connected Futures

An opportunity for colleagues with similar interests from across the University of Brighton to meet each other, discuss ideas and identify possible further interdisciplinary research and enterprise collaborations specifically linked to Archives, narratives and histories.

Consortia Forming Workshop

Wednesday, 26 September. 14:00–16:00

Connected and Healthy Futures

Following on from the Digital Health Networking Lunch held on 23 May, more details to follow.


If you have any questions about any of the above, please contact

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