Year 3 – Computing Specialism Projects

Creative Computing

The Brief:

In this unit, we were tasked, in small groups, to plan a series of authentic computing sessions as a project to be taught at a local primary school. These sessions were meant to teach a large group of children an element of computing in purposeful, creative and engaging activities. My group were tasked with teaching HTML and coding on the web to Year 5 pupils to develop their knowledge, understanding, skills and dispositions in this area of computing.

Another element that we were tasked to complete, was to create a group portfolio using Weebly, which contained stimulating effective resources to support pupils’ learning and examples of work from these sessions; created to be used as a digital ‘resource pack’ for teachers. The website portfolio contains:

  • An overview plan for the project.
  • Individual lesson plans – with learning objectives, assessment opportunities and a break down of each activity.
  • Resources for each of the lessons – in digital form, to be easily downloaded by teachers.
  • Examples of work that children produced.


Our portfolio:

As a group, we decided to create a hook and theme for the project so that it was purposeful and engaging for the children. As we decided on tasking the children to create online new articles,

Here is a link to our online portfolio for you to view for yourself.



Own Skills Developed:

This project was useful to practically create engaging, and purposeful planning which

Additionally, it further tested our ability to design and create an online portfolio, applying our previous knowledge of HTML and CSS to code, style and embed links to download resources from the portfolio.

Ability to make computing lessons creative, fun and engaging.

planning lessons, resources and thiking about assessment opportunities.


Assignment Feedback:


“Your group produced a really useful resource pack for teachers, including a sequence of carefully planned lessons that reflect the requirements of the national curriculum for computing.”

“…resource pack features a number of high-quality resources designed to support pupils’ learning.

“A non-specialist teacher would find a wealth of accessible ideas here to exploit…”

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