Year 2 – Computing Specialism Projects

Web Literacy

The Brief:

Within his unit, we were tasked to design and code a web-based resource for primary school teachers, providing information to support them teaching and resourcing an aspect of web literacy in computing.

Using the programme Brackets, we applied our developed knowledge of HTML and CSS (and some JavaScript) to create and style our own teaching webpage. Using what we had learnt about design for the web and web media, we also were tasked to make use and create digital content including videos and images to support our articulated arguments to convince teachers why teaching our aspect of web literacy is important.


My Webpage:

For my web page, I chose to focus on Remixing within Web Literacy. The webpage’s content focuses on explaining to teachers why this specific element is so important and how this can effectively be taught and resourced in primary computing lessons.

The webpage includes an overview of remixing-unit planning – linking to the National Curriculum – and a focused, detailed lesson plan using Mozilla’s ‘X-ray Googles’. In addition to containing edited images, working links and creating a wordle, it also contains a video to help primary school teachers to understand what Remixing is and to show them what resources are available in order to teach engaging lessons.

Here is a link to my Remixing video to view for yourself.


Own Skills Developed:

Throughout this assignment, we developed our own understanding of Web Literacy and building our knowledge and understanding of the principles of effective web page design.

Through using Brackets,  I have learnt about how to code HMTL and CSS to describe and style web content effectively.  This will be extremely useful when teaching pupils to use and understand these concepts themselves as I have developed a deep understanding of the coding required. Additionally, I have learnt about the importance of teaching web literacy and how to effectively plan, resource and teach this so children can learn through a variety of hands-on online and unplugged activities.


Assignment Feedback:


“Your page is visually striking… create(d) a distinctive design.”

“…clearly learnt a huge amount about HTML and CSS and this has enabled you to add more sophisticated elements to your web page…”

“You have also used some JavaScript in your page, which goes beyond expectations.”

“Your web page (including your video) clearly explains how to introduce children to remixing web content…clear and appropriate links with the national curriculum.”



Physical Computing

The Brief:

Throughout this unit, we were tasked to create a blog containing resources that supports teachers to lead lessons in Physical computing, focusing on using BBC’s Micro:bit.

By exploring what the Micro:bit is and how it works, the blog further explains how to meet the National Curriculum aims through combining the use of Micro:bit and Scratch. Together, these were to be used to create an interactive, remote-controlled game that could be used to provide inspiration
Within his unit, we were tasked to design and code a web-based resource for teachers, providing information to support them teaching and resourcing an aspect of web literacy in computing.


My Project:

My own game, “Swim, Flora Swim”, the Micro:bit is used as a wireless remote, controlling Flora the Fish. The aim is to maneuver her through the ocean, avoiding dangerous sea creatures by moving the Micro:bit up/ down/ left/ right. This game creates many opportunities and activities to learn and teach more about physical computing.

To view more of this assignment, explore the “Physical Computing” section of this blog. Here you can find more about the Micro:bit, my game and explore this educational resource.


Own Skills Developed:

Throughout this assignment, my own knowledge of using BBC’s Micro:bit and physical computing has increased. Not only have I learnt about the device itself and its capabilities but also the potential it brings to teaching about physical devices in computing, I have learnt how to effectively use it myself and a number of ways to unit of create fun, engaging planning and activities to develop children’s understanding of using physical devices as inputs.

In creating this blog, it has helped me to further develop and apply learning from the Web Literacy unit to create this resource. This has included coding webpages using a different platform, creating, editing and embedding images and videos and ensuring clear, consistent layout across multiple pages. This will extremely useful as I will be effective in planning and teaching this is the future with my own sound knowledge of the device, coding – both on web and Scratch – and how to support the learning

Assignment Feedback:


“You have used your own knowledge and understanding of computing to develop and excellent set of resources centred around the Micro:bit and your game.”

“…presented these resources clearly and in an engaging and accessible way”

“A non-specialist teacher would find a wealth of accessible ideas here to exploit…”

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