A new start to the blog

I’ve been really neglecting this blog I find it extremely difficult to organise my thoughts because I am so invested into this project and the vision I have its something when I lay in bed at night I am constantly thinking changing things discussing and debating with myself it changes by the day and I don’t blog about it. I think I struggle when thinking about my university work compared to when I am working I am so incredibly organised and I love making spreadsheets for everything, I call them “thought trackers” because I can track everything in the project. So I’ve decided to make one for this project now that it is coming towards action time on this. I have put it all the dates and added columns for the plan on that day, any actions I need to take from y findings on that day, a blog entry section to write about my day and then a model and HMUA section to when it gets to shoot days its all logged there and I don’t get confused. I think this is going to prove extremely helpful to me now and I feel so much more organised when attempting my work and planning the project.



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