I went to the Helen Binet exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts to explore how light interacts with space, as this I will have to consider when building my sets. It was an extremely beautiful exhibition and was perfect for my research as show how architecture and light are so important to one another. It’s interesting seeing how he photography focuses on buildings and shadows but also about what is not there so empty space and material and light.
I further started reading a book entitled “Happy by Design: A Guide to Architecture and Mental Wellbeing” by Ben Channon which so far has been incredible insightful, particularly when looking at the theme of light. Below is a clipping from a page about light movement and how to maximise solar gains.
When visiting the Tate Modern, there was a small room about artists studios and there was a little picture of one I found intriguing which is of Barbara Kasten’s studio. She is an artist who works particularly with shape shadow and photography. In comparison to Helene, she is creating these structure and shapes ad capturing the creation of light from them in quite an artificial form as apposed to Helene who is capturing almost candid forms of light and shadow.