Not enough people know about blood and organ donation in the UK. UoB Donor Research team can help. We co-produce resources to help young adults discuss and educate others about blood and organ donation. We have previously been funded and still work with NHSBT.

Who Are We?
We are a two time award winning group of healthcare professionals, academics and postgraduate students who work with university students from various degrees and ethnic backgrounds across the UK, to co-design and co-deliver interactive events that provide opportunities to become aware of the impact of the changes in the law for organ donation, misconceptions and clinical need for more blood AND organ donors especially from the Black, Asian and other ethnic communities.

Millie Banerjee, Chairman of NHS Blood and Transplant says “Often the best match for a transplant comes from people of the same ethnic background, so it’s vital that more work is done to get the message out to people in those communities who aren’t yet on board with the organ donation message.”

Mission Statement
The mission of the Donor Research Team is to advance, support and shape our community’s awareness of blood and organ donation for a fairer and more equal society. This is achieved through education, research, collaboration, and innovative leadership, that equips our students for professional practice and to become advocates for change.
#LeaveThemCertain #OrganDonation #LetsTalkAboutIt #BloodDonation #CriticalEducation #DonorResearch
And don’t forget to register your choice for organ donation or sign up to become an blood donor . Together, we can save lives!
Follow us on https://linktr.ee/uobdonorresearch
Contact: donorsresearch@brighton.ac.uk
Logo design: Nadeen Alay
Website design: Charlotte Slaughter