Vote for your favourite research poster and research photo 2018

Voting has now closed!

The research poster and research photo competitions are part of the Doctoral College’s annual celebration of the cutting-edge work of our postgraduate researchers.

Members of the university are invited to view the two online galleries and vote for their favourite submissions in the People’s Choice Awards. Online voting ends Thursday 7 June, 3.30pm. Winners will be announced at the festival’s closing reception.

The posters and photos will also be on display in Huxley foyer during the afternoon of our Festival of Postgraduate Research, Thursday 7 June 2018.

To vote, view the slideshows below, log in to edublog (top left of this page) with your university log in and cast your votes via the links below.

Please only vote once in each competition! if you have both a staff and student account, please use only one account.

Research Poster Gallery

Research Poster Competition 2018

There are 20 research posters. Double click on the above slideshow to go to Flickr to see larger versions of the posters with their titles. Remember your choice and then:

VOTE ONLINE FOR YOUR FAVOURITE RESEARCH POSTER! (Log in to edublog (top left) required)

Judges’ prize: £400
Runner up prize: £200
People’s Choice prize: £250

Research Photo Gallery

Research Photo Competition 2018

There are 8 research photos. Double click on the above slideshow to go to Flickr to see larger versions of the posters with their titles and accompanying descriptions. Remember your choice and then:

VOTE ONLINE FOR YOUR FAVOURITE RESEARCH PHOTO! (Log in to edublog (top left) required)

People’s Choice 1st prize: £150
People’s Choice runner-up: £100