Argos and the usefulness of social media as a platform for feedback.

Argos is one of the biggest retail stores in the United Kingdom and I am one of the 123 million customers that go there to buy a wide selection of goods.  According to the case study I read which was published by Brandwatch state that Argos now has 53 of these new digital stores. Argos realised that the only way they would be able to accommodate all the feedback from the 123 million customers was through social media platforms hence they turned to Brandwatch analytics.

Is Social Media actually useful for big companies?

One major company that has used Social media to improve its customer service through interaction and listening to feedback is Coca-Cola. In the link provided below gives a more detailed look at how coca cola has found success in this new social media age. For instance they respond to fans tweets with direct messages and rather push a promotional campaign they tend to directly deal with the customers issues. I think that this is a great way to utilise social media as this can improve customers perception of the product and are more likely to purchase the companies goods again.

In the case of Argos they were able to use Brandwatch analytics to The data provided by Brandwatch showed that some customers missed elements of the previous store environment – especially the catalogues. This insight validated the decision taken by Argos to keep a small number of copies behind the counter for those customers seeking a sense of familiarity.

In Argos case the social media research conducted showed that customers who shopped in the new digital stores missed certain elements of the previous store like catalogues. As a result they took a small number of copies into these stores to ensure familiarity. My personal opinion is this is an easy adjustment for Argos to make in order to improve the overall experience for all customers.


The new Look Argos Stores



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