E-mail Campaign: Jooble
Jooble is an online website which allows you to view job advertisements worldwide. Once you create an account, utilising your email, jooble instantly emails you for any available or new posts that would be near the location you’re looking for!
Personally, I have signed up to look for summer jobs in the islands of Greece, therefore I find it very useful every time that Jooble emails me as I know that all the new advertisements will be sent to me by email and I do not need to visit their website daily. Additionally, in every of their emails, their title is very related to the context of it and you know that it is not just an email that is sent automatically. On the title of the email they also mention how many new job advertisements there are, helping you to know exactly what to find for when you press on their email. Every time Jooble emails me, I will either see it instantly as I know it will be an advert of my interest, or I will press to see it when I have some free time to look more into it. One of the reasons I find Jooble a good website when you sign up, is because it personalises the emails according to your recent research, and it does not just send all job advertisements that could be uploaded globally.
However, there are still certain areas that I believe Jooble can improve on. One of them is the template of their email and their design. Their logo is a very simple and memorable one with blue and green colours and an outline of a rabbit. The colour of blue symbolizes feelings of trust and loyalty and the green colour is the colour of growth. Both of this colours could be representatives of what what the customers should feel or what the company is doing. For instance, the blue colour could represent the feelings of the customers towards Jooble, meaning that Jooble’s customers fully trust them for the advertisements and are fully loyal to them for the context they are sharing. In addition, the colour of green could mean the fast expansions that Jooble faced, and how their target market is continually growing. The rabbit is a friendly animal that arouses feelings of happiness and new beginnings occuring, therefore in regards to Jooble’s logo it could be a way to show support to their customers and encourage them for finding a new job and moving on to something new in their lives; as finding new jobs for some people is not always a thing they want to do, but they are simply doing it because they dont have any other choice. Moreover, considering Jooble’s email design there is still some improvement that could take place. For example, instead of them saying the number of new advertisements available and have a press button that will automatically get you there, they could add underneath it a list of all the new advertisements with more details next to each job.
In comparison to other emails, Jooble could have a more colourful or memorable email for their readers to happily want to read it, but considering that Jooble is a webiste that you should be really looking forward for their emails as you’re looking for your new job, it could be their way of design as people of different ages are utilizing and it is also older ages who may want to see it that simple! Finally, every 2 weeks Jooble is asking you for your advice and ratings of how likely it is to promote their email to someone else. It has a very easy ranking from 1 ’till 5, with 1 being that there is no chance of promoting it and 5 being that you are promoting it to friends or family. I find their way of asking for opinions easy and attractive as there is only one step your customer needs to do and it is not a lengthy one that people could get bored of.