Day 1 – research and concept designs

The main outcomes of the day were getting a better understanding of the task in hand.

Before the site visit we discussed different bridge design and thought about the requirements for our bridge.

The site visit helped us to establish what we were working with and gave us some rough ideas for the design. I also took some pictures to aid us in the concept design process.
After getting back to the drawing studio we sketched out some ideas and discussed different options. I put forward a few ideas toward the structural supporting and we delegated some research work to the 6th form students in our group.

In the evening I researched a few case studies for bridges our size and researched requirements such as the height the bridge needs to be above the road (5m min) and the width of the bridge to ensure that the pedestrian traffic is split from the cyclists (5m).

Mwaka Musuumba Humber -Day 1(ideas, briefing and getting a flow of thing)

Bridges, cyclists and footpaths.

Those were the main points I got from the briefing that was delivered this morning.

A group site inspection was carried out in order for everyone to have a better understanding of what surrounds we were working with. On this visit I took plenty pictures, that way when it came to designing we wouldn’t have to venture out into the cold again.

Once back in the warmth, sitting in our group we decided to start sketching down some ideas.

Something Noel said to us while on site struck out to me and boom I had it.
I was inspired by a spider, with it’s 8 legs, being the difference access points for the cyclists and the pedestrians.

After making a rough sketch and pitching the idea to the rest of the group they were sold on it.

And like that the day was over, our leader set us homework on doing more research on types of bridge supports, materials etc. Just to further our understanding.

Bridge in Krakow (Poland)

b1 Over half term we visited Krakow, in Poland, and walked across this bridge. The first image is the view across the bridge. The second image is a view of the bridge span. I’ve blurred out my family’s faces; apart from my youngest daughter who is always very keen to be on camera.


Clifton Bridge

The Clifton bridge is a suspension bridge located in Bristol. It spans across the Avon Gorge and River Avon and connects Bristol to Leigh Woods in North Somerset.

The bridge was built to a design by William Henry Barlow and John Hawkshaw based on an earlier design by Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

It opened in 1864 and has since been taking over and been used as a toll bridge, the profits of which going towards maintenance.


Menai Bridge


The Menai bridge is a suspension bridge to carry road traffic between the island of Anglesey and the mainland of wales.

Designer ~ Thomas Telford
Location ~ Northwales
Materials ~ Wrought iron and stone
Contruction time ~ 7 years, 1819-1826


Total Length ~ 417 Meters
Width ~ 12 Meters
Height ~ 30 Meters

Ponte Vecchio

Ponte Vecchio is open all the time, situated in the pedestrian zone south of Piazza della Repubblica. It was build very close to the roman crossing. it is also knows as Old Bridge and was the only bridge crossing the Arno river until 1218.

The structure was rebuilt after a flood in 1345 due to a flood. The bridge then went on to withstand another flood in 1966.

It is possible to document the first bridge since 966 and even its reconstruction after the flood in 1345 however, the present construction is a bit of a mystery. Even though Giorgio Vasari, an artist & chronalist from the 1500’s, attributed the bridge to Taddeo Gaddi, the construction seems to point more towards the involvement of the Dominican friars with their keen sense of proportion, harmony and use of numbers. We do know however that the bridge was built as a system of defense, and the windows and artistic elements that we can admire now were added after the shops were sold to the merchants.

There have been shops on Ponte Vecchio since the 13th century. Initially, there were all types of shops, including butchers and fishmongers and, later, tanners, whose “industrial waste” caused a pretty rank stench in the area. In 1593, Ferdinand I decreed that only goldsmiths and jewellers be allowed to have their shops on the bridge in order to improve the wellbeing of all, including their own as they walked over the bridge.

Benvenuto Cellini, a 16th century goldsmith, is honoured with a bust on the bridge. By night, the wooden shutters of the shops create a look like suitcases and wooden chests, making it a very suggestive route to take for an evening passeggiata, or stroll. Ponte Vecchio is a very romantic spot in Florence, with its great views over the river and of the bridge itself.

Humber bridge

Golden gate bridge’s little brother

Measuring at 2,220m in a single-span Humber bridge is located near Kingston upon Hull. Currently the eighth longest suspension bridge.

