Presentation day – Ponte Vecchio

Presentation Day

Friday was presentation day so we brought everything over to the drawing studio to set up. Each group took turns in presenting their work based on the project. It was interesting to see how everyone got on in the week and I was surprised at the diversity of designs shown throughout. We were given 12 minutes to speak and then 5 to answer questions. This was a good way of learning as it allowed people to elaborate more in certain areas which they hadn’t talked about hugely during the presentation. When it came to our presentation I feel like it went really well however we did run out of time so therefore should of time managed a bit better. However I feel like we got some good feedback and overall I was really pleased with everyone’s effort. This was a massive learning curve for me as I have never worked on a project like this before but I thoroughly enjoyed the week.


Ponte Vecchio Diary

Day 1.

Day one started by being put into groups to work on a group project throughout the week. My group included me, Alex, Jennie, and the three students from hazelwick school. We was briefed on the project and what we needed to produce by Friday. This was an architectural technology project where we had to come up with a bridge design to provide a footpath for people to cross the road located at Mithras house, a scale model of the bridge, a detail as well as a poster which we would have to present on Friday. This would require a good deal of thinking with a mix of trial and error as we had such a short time and limited amount of recourses. Many things were needed to be considered during the design process:

Who was going to use the bridge? This was important because this would govern our orientation of the bridge. We all decided that it would mainly be university students that would use the bridge but we also wanted to incorporate a cycle path for cyclist as well.

Buildability? How easy would it be to build a bridge in this location? This was another key factor of the design process as the topography of the site has many different levels and we wanted to design a bridge which would be easy to build using the existing ground without having to make too many amendments. In terms of the modelling we also wanted to make a design which wouldn’t be too hard to make as we were very limited in terms of materials and tools.

We began our research into precedent studies and we all come up with some interesting examples and concept designs. Upon discussion we all decided that the helix bridge would be the best design to incorporate in our own design. I then did a concept sketch to show the orientation of the bridge and essentially what it might look like. I put forward the idea of using colour in the bridge design to draw away from the cagey look which I felt would be the outcome due to the lack of materials that we could get hold of.

For the rest of the day we experimented with materials. We first tried to shape straws in the design we have in mind. The properties of the straws meant that we couldn’t create nice round curves without the material itself folding or impairing. This lead to the quick conclusion that straw wouldn’t be a strong enough material to use for our model. We then played around with other materials such as wood and cardboard however didn’t manage create the shapes we needed of our structural elements. We then decided to think of metal materials which could be used for a scaled model. I suggested we get chicken wire and some form of metal ties. Taking this into consideration I was then able to sketch up with a step by step construction methods for our scale model of the bridge. The day was over and we all had a good understanding as to where we were heading with the project and all decided that we would commit to the helix style design.


Day 2.

The second day came and we took a trip to B&Q to pick up the materials which we needed for the project. We brought chicken wire, galvanized wire and some form of metal mesh. We then picked up some foam board and card from Mithras house. Other materials and tools where at hand already such as a PVC soil pipe, glue gun, plyers, fairy lights and so on. Once back at university, me and jenny quickly made progress on the model. As I had already come up with the methods of construction it was easy to really push forward and get the main parts of the bridge built. Using my experience on site, I knew the best way to form the chicken wire around the pipe would be to snip off the ends so that there is loads of little bars which can be hooked and tied so hold the shape which we are forming. This worked really well although it took time and effort.



Picture 1 shows a sketch diagram to show how we hooked the chicken wire back on its self.

Picture 2 shows what it looked like once finished. As you can see each join looks really neat and tidy which me and jenny was really pleased with. The day was nearly up so we set out our plan of action for the next day and we were happy with the progress we were making.

Day 3

With only two days to go we was hoping to really pull everything together on day 3. Yet again me and jenny went straight to the modelling studio and continued to make progress with the model, accompanied by the hazelwick students. We made quick progress by completing the helix pattern using the galvanized wire. We then cut the pipe 2/3rds of the way down. This give us the bottom base of the bridge. Myself and the hazelwick students continued to make the bridge. First we installed little battery powered lights into the frame work. I decided on adding colour to the bride during the design process. We decided to cut lots of triangle shapes out of a clear plastic bottle and coloured them using sharpie pens. These would then act as glass sections that portray the internal light in a different colour. We also added mesh into the remaining over top space to represent the remaining covering of which would be needed in the design. Using the glue gun we secured everything. We then got the hazelwick students to start adding a pattern on the bottom side of the pipe so that is could be sprayed later on. The day soon come to an end and by now we had the whole caged frame ready with the lights and coloured panels. All that was left to do was the deck and supporting system. Jenny took the section of the pipe home with her that day and drilled and sprayed it. img_7587img_7590

Day 4

As soon as we got in we focused on the model and getting it finished. By using bolts we were able to create the supporting legs of the model. We ties two legs together for each one as this was included in our design which Alex looked into furthers details on. Now the pipe had been sprayed everything was really starting to look good and the lights really brang the model to life. We glued the deck onto the model and it was pretty much done. me and Alex then moved onto the topography. By creating layers of cardboard we was able to create the desired levels that we needed. We used foamboard and card to face the surfaces. Jenny added little details like the labelling of the road and Mithras house. We then build little blocks out of wood to represent the foundation blocks. This now meant that the model and topography was finished. Jenny then took all our research and findings and put them all onto a poster of which she printed out in a1 form for the presentation.



Ponte Vecchio – precedent studies and design consepts

2016-11-13-6Concept 1 – This is a sketch which is inspired by Nesciobrug Bridge located in Amsterdam which incorporates a split cycle and footpath. I found this example whilst doing precedent studies and really liked the design, therefore decided to sketch my interpretation of it by including the split pathways at the start of the bridge but both paths joining in the middle. The Pathways will then split back off into two ramps one leading along the road for cycle access and one across Preston barracks for pedestrian. I put forward this concept to the group and we all agreed it would be a good design and one of the candidates for our final design. 2016-11-13-5Concept 2 – This concept is inspired by the peace bridge located in Georgia. I was really intrigued by the design and shapes seen in the covering over the bridge and therefore drew up my own interpretation of it showing how it would be positioned in the proposed plot for our bridge development. Again I presented this to the group and we all agreed that the design is fascinating however may be too visually intrusive and may not fit in with the surrounding environment. Perhaps something similar but on a smaller scale would be more adequate.

2016-11-13-4Concept 3 – This concept was drawn up by myself after the study of the Helix Bridge in Singapore. As a group we all really liked the design of this bridge because of the shapes and how modern/futuristic it looks. When thinking about putting this style of bridge in the proposed location I started to think would this bridge stand out or not fit in with the surrounding environment. So I started looking at local architecture and quickly saw that this type is similar to the Brighton pier which is made out of metal and is long with lots of cross pattern structures supporting itself. As a group we all decided that we would design a bridge of similar qualities to the helix bridge in Singapore. My concept shows how the bridge would be constructed and its orientation. At the foot of the bridge (Mithras house access point) there will be a slight ramp leading to the bridge. The bridge will have a combined two cycle and two footpath lanes. At the end of the bridge it shall have two ramps, one goes to Preston Barracks and one bares of towards the Watts site. Sticking with the helix theme we decided that installing lights to our model would be an added detail which will boast our design. I then went on to think of maybe incorporating different colours. I have represented this is my concept sketch.



13 Alex Judd – Improvements Post Presentation

On Friday, we were tasked to present to our peers and lecturers, Jenny kindly compiled the materials for the poster while myself and Connor worked on the final parts of the model with the Haselwick students. Once complete we sat down in a group and went through what we had to say.

Since having the presentation, it was apparent that we ran out of time, perhaps we needed to time ourselves to make sure we included the most in our presentation without having to go into too much detail.

The lecturers made some good points of which I have discussed below:

Solar Glass

Our coloured glass panels which will be fitted to the helical structure may be able to serve as photovoltaic cells too. In recent times, there have been new developments that involve clear panes of glass acting as photovoltaics. This would be perfect to charge the lighting system and use overnight.

However, despite this, there would still need to be a required service connection onto the local grid. In winter for example, overcast skies and limited daylight could dim the bridge lights significantly. There was also no consideration for animals such as birds that may lay faeces over the panels and stop them from working as efficiently. How is this accessed for cleaning?


Following on from access for cleaning, the mesh like structure will also be a perfect ‘trap’ for leaves and other windswept objects that could get stuck in the mesh. This is only a problem if this can’t be maintained and as this is a busy road, access for maintenance could in fact be a problem.

The best solution we had was to remove the mesh structure and instead provide a much larger helix gap with parapets on the main deck to stop pedestrians falling off the structure.

Reusable Water

Given the loads can be altered to take this weight, the bridge could also act as a massive water storage tank for local use water. Perhaps instead of draining into the local network, it would be wiser to store such water for use in the development. This will obviously have to be treated and cleaned before use within residential and commercial units.

Connection into Student Accommodation

What was also not considered was perhaps another ramp connecting directly into student halls. Perhaps the layout of these buildings could create positive space that could direct occupants into using the bridge more frequently.


Stainless steel/ stainless steel alloys are quite expensive, perhaps using recycled materials and materials that are more commercially available would be a more sustainable way to construct the bridge.

Different Surfaces

Instead of dropping the deck to include cyclists, perhaps using different materials on each path would be more suitable. For example, using a cobbled/rougher material for pedestrians and a smoother one for cyclists. This would create the split without the need for change in levels.

Channel Drains

Instead of using channel drains, perhaps a material that is porous and light would be better for surface water drainage. This would also make it far easier to suspend but also require a lesser need for a gradient across the width of the bridge deck.


In conclusion, if we then had another week to use these improvements and create another model, we would be able to include a more overall comfortable and sustainable design that could not only stand over time but also provide to the needs of the end user in a more suitable way.

Alex Judd 12 – Application of Research into Model


Applying the research we have undertaken into a comprehensive model at a 1:75 scale can be tricky, especially with the limited time and resources we had available. In this post I hope to clearly show where we have applied our research and knowledge into the model and how, given we had more time, would we improve on presentation.


The topography was made of black and white card which we supported with cardboard and foam board. This not only provided a sturdy base but also helps ‘dull’ the background to really bring out the bridge itself. The contrast of the white tipex on the black card also really helped for defining lines on the road.

Given we had more time, despite the intention to ‘dull’ the background, we could apply modelling materials such as grass and concrete to really bring out the aesthetics of the surroundings. We would also do a more thorough analysis into topography so that we could really define the levels clearly, such as kerb drops, road gradient and hoarding.



The research we undertook into the foundations showed us clearly that we needed to show a pad foundation with 2x supports going into each foundation. For the pad itself Jenny proposed we should use wooden blocks. We all agreed as this would clearly show where these would be located and would also provide a suitable base for our model. We also decided to glue the white card onto the blocks to match in with the background.

Similarly with the topography, using modelling material to represent concrete would also be good here as it would help people understand the kind of material we are using in this case.



The bolts for the support I felt were a good representation of what we were proposing and even with better materials, it wouldn’t feel as ‘structural’ as the bolts made it out to be.

The difficulty came with drilling holes into the drain pipe that formed the base of the deck. These were hard to drill close together without connecting and so we decided to produce our ‘v’ shape not across the width of the bridge but down the length of it instead.


Drainage and Ramp

We did not produce a ramp in the end as we felt there were too many options for this given the uncertainty of both developments. Therefore showing the drainage as described in the ‘drainage strategy’ blog would be hard without a staircase. I believe using art straws was the best approach here but perhaps with a ramp we could show how this will be hidden and connect into the ramp structure to drain into the local network.


The bridge was the hardest part to model. The mesh and the helical structure I felt weren’t represented as well aesthetically however I do believe the materials and size were presented perfectly. As an improvement, given we had more time, we could look into producing a helical structure ourselves using steel rods and wire. I believe with the time frame this was achieved well.



Alex Judd 11 – Bridge Drainage Strategy

Associated Problems

Bridge drainage is important for structural loads, end user satisfaction and stain control. An accumulation of water in a certain area of the bridge can add to the dead loads and could put the foundations and supports under a great amount of pressure.

Pools of water can accumulate and may make it difficult for the end user to cross. Stains and water damage to materials can also be a problem here. Therefore it is essential both by regulation and by good design that the drainage strategy for the bridge is


The idea for an ‘in-built’ drainage strategy came from the use of a drain pipe as part of the formwork for our model. The idea that the ‘undercarriage’ of the bridge could hold and channel water as part of its structure rather than a disapproving piped structure fixed underneath.


At the Mithras House side, the topography is such that a water spout could be used to drain down the existing road and into the gulley. However, the Preston Barracks side is far higher up off the ground to the point where a spout could cause water to fall rapidly and splash around lifting dirt and mud and producing a poor aesthetic.

In turn, this system will need to be piped and this can easily be achieved using a branch over to the supports for the ramp. This will then drain into either an existing system or otherwise the new drainage system within the Preston Barracks development.



Image Reference:

Alex Judd 10 – Construction Methodology

On Site Constraints

The onsite constraints involve the active Lewes Road which is present to large amounts of traffic and pedestrian activity; it is also a major bus route. Section 4.0 of The Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, requests that all construction activities near to an existing highway must not cause disruption to the traffic. However, in any case, this road is going to require closing in order to complete the connections to the underside of the bridge.

Proposed Solution

Many highways projects involving bridge construction make use of night time/holidays where traffic will be significantly reduced; a road closure would not affect the local residents as much as if it were to proceed within the day time.

The foundations and supports however have been designed as to be constructed far away from the road so that a closure may not be required. However the highways act 1980 requires suitable hoarding around any construction site near to an existing carriageway. Therefore, when the piers are constructed, suitable hoarding and provision for protection against the public realm must be enforced.


The foundations will be cast pad foundations that protrude from the existing ground level. These will be cast in situ with suitable falsework and left to cure subject to engineer’s requirements (usually 48hrs). These will be cast in 3 locations as displayed. If possible, the ground should be graded as to incorporate the pad foundations to allow a flush presentation. Excavators and concrete trucks can access these areas through the existing Lewes road.



The supports will be made of stainless steel or a steel alloy as with the helical design of the bridge. These will use a very similar methodology to that of the M8 bridge whereas they will connect on a pivot to make up loss of tolerance. These will be prefabricated and fixed to the pad foundation using concrete anchors once the concrete has set.


Bridge Sections

The sections will be delivered in quarters, the first half will be fitted within the Mithras house end and the second will be suspended and attached underneath via platform on the Lewes road. It is at this point of the construction process that we will require a road closure. The sections will be delivered by flatbed wagon.



Ramps and Stairs 

The ramps and stairs towards the Mithras house end will not require a great amount of engineering to install as the design intention was to use the majority of the topography before installing ramps ( as specified in the DMRB). Both stairs and ramp at this end will be prefabricated and fixed to the ground.


Towards the other end however there will be a greater height of which to comply which can lead to a requirement in great lengths of ramp. These will also be prefabricated but most likely bought in sections, again with a similar design process to the other side of the bridge, by fixing to relative foundations. The railings and buttresses will be made of similar bridge materials. And the ramp possibly of cast reinforced concrete with waterproofing membrane.

The modelling construction methods

construction-method-1-2 construction-method-2-2Here are some sketches and annotations showing our plan of construction methods  for the proposed bridge model. We followed the numerous steps in order to create a realistic model at a scale of 1:75 of the actual size. However there were a few changes to the methods of which we felt were needed in order to produce a better final model. These are shown in the Changes and amendments document.

Alex Judd 09 – Cased Based Precedence – M8 Harthill Pedestrian Bridge

M8 Harthill Pedestrian Bridge

The project involves building a footpath over the Lewes Road which, despite its speed limitations, can get quite busy throughout the day. Building this bridge over a road as important as this one can be quite a challenge and therefore I have decided to study this in detail.


The M8 Harthill Pedestrian Bridge, designed by Burohappold, had a very similar problem in the instance that it had to help the local residents cross the busy road safely and simply. It also uses a lightweight helical structure as per our design.

The bridge uses materials that maximise durability and minimise maintenance, something that would be also very apparent in our design. The construction of this bridge was completed in prefabricated sections which were then raised onto the piers from the road and fixed onto these supports.

Image result for m8 helical bridge

If we take this piece of evidence and apply this to our design, we can see that this will be similar to how we can procure the construction of the footbridge. This will entail forming the supports before attaching the pier via a crane. This may entail a partial close of lewes road and deliver prefabricated sections to site.
