The Critical Data Literacy project has now ended (2017-18). It was a pilot study funded by the University of Brighton Rising Stars scheme, and it led to successful external funding of the project ART/DATA/HEALTH: data as creative material for health and wellbeing, (AH/S004564/1 2019-2021) funded by theĀ UKRI-AHRC Innovation Leadership Fellowship (PI: Dr Aristea Fotopoulou) (2019-2021). For more info visit: http://www.artdatahealth.orgĀ
The project offers members of the community new skills in data science and art practice to improve health and wellbeing. ART/DATA/HEALTH aims to develop a participatory interface that involves creativity and use of data for the social good, in order to tackle health inequalities and digital inclusion.
For inquiries about the project please use the contact form or email us at