The crutch of a cartoon conversation. 21.10.20

Twisting your ankle is never fun, especially when you have a chronic pain condition. Doing activities however that can be adapted and require you to think creatively are lots of fun.

Activity: Visual conversations: Creating something in a pair using large roll of paper and taped pens. Find ways of communication. Non-verbal.

I did an activity with a peer on my course where we had a conversation about my foot and twisted ankle. I adapted using my crutch by taping a pen onto it- this was an affirmation model and gave me a better grip- I accepted this was part of my difference during the activity. Sound began to take place with interesting mark making it became harmonious eventually. Each of our personalities came through and using our own control. Tiny movements are powerful and valuable.

How could this be adapted remotely?: Using a shared document such as whiteboard on teams. Possibly using a laser pointer and a whiteboard. Screen share. JamBoard with laser tool to draw.

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