Trekstock Evaluation



Trekstock is based in London (United Kingdom) and is a youth cancer charity. Currently, Trekstock is working over 140,000 people that are living with the effects of cancer. As a charity, Trekstock are mainly focusing with young adults and their job is to support in their journey with cancer through emotional, physical and practical support. As the photographer and styling pathway, our job is to create a campaign for Trekstock so the public is more aware of the charity. There are three different options that we can create in this live brief was to design a brand/clothing collaboration, photography/editorial or a magazine feature piece. Firstly, to begin with the brief was to research campaigns or fundraising ideas in a creative way such as Clic Sargent, Coppafeel, Movember, etc.


After researching different campaigns and fundraising ideas, I started to research more collages artists because as a youth cancer charity, I wanted to present my final piece in a sensitive concept but understanding the message behind it. Although, I did not provide any images to illustrate my concept. However, I began to reflect of what way can to illustrate to the viewers to understand the image by presenting Trekstock poster campaign. The concept is about being blindfold, cannot see cancer but can feel it. Creating collages is using different strips of magazines to create a piece whether it means something or nothing. Once I started the idea of blindfold, I researched Peter Quinnell, Isabel Reitemyer, Igor Skalesky, Ulla Karttunen and Anyes Gallleani – they are all collages artists that created in similar concept that I focused on.


Blindfold can illustrate in many ways such as covering the eyes but still have the smile on the person’s face as a remembrance of them that they have passed away of their identity.  Most of all the collages that I created, has at least one person’s eyes covered with different objects around them such as flowers. As when they passed away, as part of the traditions for over centuries until today the public gives flowers as symbol for peace, lost and love.


After creating over 10 collages, it was difficult to select at least one of the poster campaign for Trekstock. To define the message behind each poster was to create taglines that illustrate Trekstock and the image itself. For example, one of the collages illustrate a weird looking green woman with wings and eyes covered which as an artist gives different views however the tagline ‘Don’t let cancer impact on your identity’. To concluded the evaluation of Trekstock live brief, overall is to be creative in a unique way to present a strong narrative and visual language along with culture, colours, identity and beauty. At the end of the brief is to present the final piece of Trekstock with a presentation and submission a long with diversity project. I do believe that this was a challenging project to work on especially focusing a campaign for cancer charity. ‘Before the blindfold was everything’ (by Fool’s Gold).

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