Magazine Project + Role
For this module, i applied for the role of editorial writer. I applied for this role as I have always been fascinated by the power of words and what one can express through this medium. I also am currently experiencing some family problems as well as travel and work, so I found it to be more of a practical option. I was pleased with receiving it nevertheless and was excited to meet my group and see what direction we would go in and the topics I would be able to write about. Upon meeting my group, I realised that we had some very strong individuals all suited to their roles which made me more confident in the magazine and pushed me to work harder, As we continued to meet a plethera of different ideas were being thrown about, such as nostalgia the middle aged generation, with hints to masculitinty and femininity in fashion. it then developed into surrealism and Genderfluidity which everyone seemed to be happy with. Surrealism was then developed into the style and gender fluidity thee topic.
These are some of the photos that were taken of the different magazines we looked through to inspire us, for our own magazines, taking notes on layout, typography editorial image and styling.