Forming our Magazine – formatting
In creating the flat plan, it allowed the group to bring our vision to life. We organized where to put text and visual aspects, to create structure to the magazine. This flat plan would act as a blueprint in which for use to add to and build upon. Constructing the layout allowed us to decide how we felt about how different elements interacted with each other on the pages. Ultimately this allowed us to establish a flow to the magazine and enabled us to maintain consistency in both the narrative and design.
The creation of this flat plan also allowed us to identify gaps, and areas of over crowding. Which enabled us to make the correct adjustments to maintain fluidity.
The plan also opened up the opportunity to assign and identify particular jobs, that need to be fulfilled. the plan enabled us to converse and discuss the magazine bringing out out creative knowledge and promoting feedback.
this exercise was vital to the group as it was a key way to identify where we were and where we were aiming to be.
The image below is our flat plan that we made during the session;