© 2025 Chris Colin

Final thoughts on my articles

Writing Fluidly

Reflecting on the flat plan, I realised that i needed a wide breath of different articles from lengths to topics and tones. From this I had already researched around 3-5 topics, i decided to use all this knowledge and research to create 5 main articles, instead of three articles and 2 side articles. I wanted to do this as i felt they all needed their own position and impact in the magazine. Writing about Gender fluidity was somewhat difficult as i found that there is a blurry line between se=x and gender and how people identify. Therefore i tried my best to ensure that i didn’t merge articles that touched on both aspects as I thought there would be a chance o inconsistency and error.

I found it very interesting, writing about a topic I don’t completely pay attention to and it widened my knowledge on the topic. Although, in terms of writing I found this topic ironically less diverse than I thought. I found it always circling back to the same thing. Personally I would have liked to have explored something different as I felt it also impacted the thought process of our shoots.

Regardless of this, finding articles on unique and niche topics spurred my writing. I hope through this our magazine produces a sense of diversity and uniqueness with the topics and intrigues the audience.

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