As a group we took a few sessions to become set on what we wanted our magazine to be called, many different names were flying around, we were not set on one particlur one. i therefore decided to try and make designs for the words to see which one held most promise when it would come to grapghic design. As a drafted umerous samples, i realoised that with Porcelyn we could one change the way in the word was spelt to create originality and use the ‘Y’ as a means of design, i took apon the Yen as a inspiration.
These are my drafts:
As you cans see we tried to use a variety of different titles, with multiple different designs. However, Porcelyn was ultimatley the winner,
This allowed to move on from constantly thinking on a name and a meaning and move foward finalixzing and howning our skils on production. I personalluy like the design of the title as it is sleek with a sense of uniqueness.
The Porcelyn Design was then further refined post edit to the below: