Franz West

I visited the Tate Modern to see the Franz West exhibition. This exhibition was filled with abstract sculptures, furniture and large scale works. It was filled with eccentric and playful sculptures and pieces. Here are two of my favourite sculptures. The colours used in this exhibition appeal to me a lot and I want to take inspiration from these in my own work, using the same colour theme.


Francis Upritchard – Wetwang Slack


I visited the barbican centre to see the ‘Wetwang slack’ exhibition by Francis Upritchard. The exhibition was full of lifelike, small scale polymer sculptures of characters, painted different colours with enhanced features. In this exhibition, Upritchard plays largely with scale, colour and texture. Visiting this exhibition has inspired me to experiment with colours and textures on the face to progress in my project.

V&A – Undressed

Whilst in the V&A, I saw the exhibition ‘Undressed’ being advertised, so thought I’d take a look around. This exhibition was a bit small but what was included was really interesting to see, however I wish there would have been more information about certain garments that stood out in the exhibition. I found it really interesting to see different underwear and corsets that women wore throughout history. I didn’t find anything that would influence my zine really but it was a good exhibition to go to.

V&A – So You Say You Want A Revolution?

Today I went up to London to go to the exhibition, ‘So you say you want a revolution’. I was really keen to see this exhibition because of all the fashion, film and political information that I could use for my zine or potentially find some inspiration for my zine. I found this exhibition extremely inspiring and interesting because of how interactive the whole experience was, mainly because when we arrived we were given headphones that narrated or played music to suit the part of the exhibition you were at.


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