Fashion Direction

Fashion Direction

-Our magazine is based around sustainability and anti fast fashion, so we wanted to ensure we keep the clothing more street wear esc instead of high end fashion. We are trying to stay away from fashion trends in general, and showcase up and coming designers who are conscious about sustainability it shows in their work.

-In my shoots I want to keep my images as untouched and raw as possible as I think it fits the theme of our magazine a lot better.

Photographic Direction

-I want to keep my images very raw and real, I have been using a mixture of digital and film, however I think the images on film are more fitting for this issue of our magazine.

-I have been taking some inspiration from Ronan Mckenzie and her way of helping boost up and coming designers/photographers/models etc. All of her zines and magazines and website is full of new and up coming artists because she believes the fashion industry only use a certain type of people and artists etc with a following already which is what she wants to change, but using people who wouldn’t’t typically be featured, to give them a chance.

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