The start of pins and brooches

To start my project off, I began by going out and buying or photographing different pins and brooches that I saw around Brighton with some of my group and then meeting up with the rest of them to share and discuss what we found. At the start of this, I found it quite hard to find people wearing pins or brooches, so I went to the North Laines to look in the vintage shops to see what I could find. I wanted to find out some of the history behind a few of the brooches I saw but couldn’t get much information as they didn’t have the designers name on them and I didn’t know who had previously owned them, however when I got home and started on my sketchbook, I did a lot of research on brooches in general which helped me start my project off nicely.img_3269 img_4053 img_4054 img_4055 img_4056

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