Stephanie John workshop

On the 10th of October, we had a Burberry stylist come in and do a denim and white shirt workshop, as well as a presentation about her field of work and different jobs in industry which I found really useful. For the workshop, we were asked to do some research into denim and white shirts and also bring in a white shirt and as much denim as we could find, as well as things like scissors, belts and scarfs. Once we were in there she told us to style the denim in a different way by cutting it up, mixing it with other denim and creating a mini shoot with 6-8 final images. I was in a group with 3 other people and at first we struggled to think of ways to style it, but once we got started it all started to fall into place. I was really happy with our final images considering the short time frame and lack of materials we had to complete it and I really enjoyed the day and everything I learnt from Stephanie John.img_3114 img_3115  img_3119 img_3118

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