Looking into brooches specifically, I decided to buy a couple from a vintage shop in the North Laines and have a play around with them and try and deconstruct some of them. With this brooch, I tried to break it up with my hands and pick it apart, but all I could do was pull off a bead by undoing the wire, so I decided to smash the brooch with a hammer and see how it would break and spread out. I really like how the brooch broke and the different sizes of the brooch fragments. This brooch was made from a mixture of plastic and glass so the way it broke was actually quite interesting. In my sketchbook I tried to replicate the break with flicks of paint but couldn’t get the right look about it. I also tried imprinting some of the brooches in paint then transferring it into my sketchbook, however the print they left was really faint because of the uneven surface.