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In a workshop last week, we were told to print out research photos onto acetate, contact sheet size and bring in ink and tape. When we got in, our lecturer showed us how to distort the images, place them into GEPE slides then project them onto the wall as another way to manipulate the image. Using images of my pins and brooches, I dropped ink and scratched the surface of some, whilst using sharpie pens to distort some others. Once they were projected onto the walls, I actually got some really interesting images that have inspired me to distort the actual object and more images. I think I want to do something similar to this for my final outcome, but projecting it onto something else, such as a human body.

Stephanie John workshop

On the 10th of October, we had a Burberry stylist come in and do a denim and white shirt workshop, as well as a presentation about her field of work and different jobs in industry which I found really useful. For the workshop, we were asked to do some research into denim and white shirts and also bring in a white shirt and as much denim as we could find, as well as things like scissors, belts and scarfs. Once we were in there she told us to style the denim in a different way by cutting it up, mixing it with other denim and creating a mini shoot with 6-8 final images. I was in a group with 3 other people and at first we struggled to think of ways to style it, but once we got started it all started to fall into place. I was really happy with our final images considering the short time frame and lack of materials we had to complete it and I really enjoyed the day and everything I learnt from Stephanie John.img_3114 img_3115  img_3119 img_3118


Looking into brooches specifically, I decided to buy a couple from a vintage shop in the North Laines and have a play around with them and try and deconstruct some of them. With this brooch, I tried to break it up with my hands and pick it apart, but all I could do was pull off a bead by undoing the wire, so I decided to smash the brooch with a hammer and see how it would break and spread out. I really like how the brooch broke and the different sizes of the brooch fragments. This brooch was made from a mixture of plastic and glass so the way it broke was actually quite interesting.img_2886img_2894-1 In my sketchbook I tried to replicate the break with flicks of paint but couldn’t get the right look about it. I also tried imprinting some of the brooches in paint then transferring it into my sketchbook, however the print they left was really faint because of the uneven surface.img_2900

The start of pins and brooches

To start my project off, I began by going out and buying or photographing different pins and brooches that I saw around Brighton with some of my group and then meeting up with the rest of them to share and discuss what we found. At the start of this, I found it quite hard to find people wearing pins or brooches, so I went to the North Laines to look in the vintage shops to see what I could find. I wanted to find out some of the history behind a few of the brooches I saw but couldn’t get much information as they didn’t have the designers name on them and I didn’t know who had previously owned them, however when I got home and started on my sketchbook, I did a lot of research on brooches in general which helped me start my project off nicely.img_3269 img_4053 img_4054 img_4055 img_4056


On Monday, we were given a new brief about an object. My object was ‘pins and brooches’. We were also put into groups to do research and develop our projects further. Other the last few days, I’ve really thrown myself into this project and have looked into the history of Brooches to start because I have found more information on them. Ive started small sketches and began taking photos of brooches I’ve seen on people whilst I’ve been out, and also my nan has sent me a few photos of some of her favourite pins and brooches which I can add into my research. I did struggle to find information online at first but once I started looking into where brooches came from and where they originated from, I found it a lot easier and also found a lot of interesting facts. During todays lesson, we discussed our objects in groups and also got set another brief for Monday to bring denim and white shirts for the lesson to be cut up and remain into different outfits.

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