Beauty Moodboards

Simple moodpboard created for my beauty shoot.

For this shoot, I have been really inspired by these images of Marilyn Monroe. I love the aesthetic of these images and they way they look so feminine and beautiful. I want my shoot to have a vintage feel to it and maybe re create some of these poses.


‘American actress, model and singer Marilyn Monroe poses naked in bed for photographer Douglas Kirkland on the evening of November 17th 1961 in Los Angeles. Douglas Kirkland, then aged 24, photographed the icon and sex symbol for his first major assignment for Look magazine, one of the most celebrated photo-shoots ever with the iconic sex symbol.’


Business Card

I created a basic template and business card as a basis to start with. My graphic design skills are not very strong which is why it looks so simple, I want to work on my skills and create a more unique looking card to hand out to potential employers.

Brand Conscious Advertorial

For my brand I decided to use ‘Levis’ because I’ve always really loved styling and playing around with denim. For this shoot I wanted the clothing to be oversized but accessories really simple, to keep the focus on the denim. My favourite kinds of advertorials are ones that are outside in built up areas, which is why I did this shoot outside. A lot of Levi’s editorials are in studios or in ‘scenic’ areas, so adding my own take on it was key and another factor as to why I chose this location.


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