Chemistry Seminar: Dr Ian Gass ” A radical approach in molecular magnetism”
Friday 18th October, 1pm, in W313
All things Chemistry at the University of Brighton
Friday 18th October, 1pm, in W313
The university is hosting this year’s Royal Society of Chemistry Bright Spark Symposium. Run by the RSC Analytical Science Network this free event is designed to provide a low-pressure, friendly platform for early career...
Last week we celebrated with this year’s graduates at their ceremony at the Brighton Centre. It is always a wonderful day seeing our students graduate and take all that hard work and determination forward...
Today chemistry@brighton welcomes 21 schools from Sussex, Kent, Surrey and London for the Salters’ Institute Festival of Chemistry. Teams of year 7 and 8 children undertake two practical challenges one set by Salters and...
We’re recruiting for next year’s PASS leaders. It’s a great confidence booster and good way to meet the new first years, looks great on your CV and makes sure you remember all of that...
May is project month for chemistry@brighton students in their 3rd and 4th years. Third year students hand their projects in just after Easter for binding and marking before their vivas next week. The MChem...
We’ve received information on some graduate opportunities coming up so have put them on our jobs page. Ensure you subscribe to the blog and check back regularly to see updates on vacancies we’ve been...
As part of the STEP UP initiative we are holding a day conference for A level students on the 3rd April. Participants will: get hands on experience of some of our larger analytical instruments,...
Today, whilst our own students are taking their semester 1 exams, we are welcoming local schoolchildren in years 11-13 as part of the Big Visit widening participation event. These visitors will be doing some...