Month March 2023

PGR Student Social Media Assistant opportunity

The Centre for Design History (CDH) seeks to appoint a Postgraduate Research (PGR) student as a Social Media Assistant who will help us to build upon our social media presence to continue to enhance our profile, reach new audiences, with… Continue Reading →

A Design Trip Restored through Archival Research: Yun Wang reflects on her Visiting Research Fellow Scheme experience

Yun Wang is a Visiting Research Fellow (VRF) as part of the Centre for Design History’s International Scheme and a contributing author to International Design Organizations Histories, Legacies, Value.   On 10 November 2017, I participated in the International Design Organisations:… Continue Reading →

Event | IOTA II Research Seminar – Jeremy Aynsley, 23 March 2023

Join us for the next session of our IOTA II Research Seminar Series – Free and open to all. More information, and the full series schedule can be found here   4 – 6pm, Thursday 23 March Grand Parade, M2,… Continue Reading →

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