The Centre for Design History (CDH) at the University of Brighton and the University of Brighton Design Archives (UoBDA) invite applications for a funded International Visiting Research Fellow (VRF) to spend time at the CDH and the Design Archives in… Continue Reading →
The Centre for Design History (CDH) at the University of Brighton invites applications for Postdoctoral Visiting Research Fellows (VRF) to spend time at the Centre to pursue their research within CDH’s themes and to form collaborations with CDH members. The… Continue Reading →
The Centre for Design History (CDH) at the University of Brighton invites applications for a funded International Visiting Research Fellow (VRF) to spend time at the Centre in the spring semester (January-June 2024) of 2023/24 to pursue their research within… Continue Reading →
The Centre for Design History (CDH) at the University of Brighton invites applications for Postdoctoral Visiting Research Fellows (VRF) to spend time at the Centre to pursue their research within CDH’s themes and to form collaborations with CDH members. The… Continue Reading →
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