Enterprise with Meaning event 14th of November

Enterprise with Meaning-1dy12og The Bevy, the Community Pub in Bevendean, is putting on Enterprise with Meaning, a free event at BACA on the 14th November, 5-7pm. The event will be about introducing young people 16 – 25 to inspirational entrepreneurs who have established their own social businesses (like HISBE and Big Lemon) which are making… Continue Reading Enterprise with Meaning event 14th of November

Careers Service website has moved house. Check out our flashy new digs…

“walking through an empty house, tears in my eyes…” …okay, maybe that’s a overdoing it a little, but anyone currently clearing out a year or more of junk in preparation for a move will know how much fun that can be. Spare a thought for the poor suffering Careers Service (mostly me *preen preen*) who… Continue Reading Careers Service website has moved house. Check out our flashy new digs…

Competitions (LOTS of…), summer placements and opportunities for women from top global employers…

A modest round up from our inbox this evening, kicking off appropriately enough with a shout out for Where Women Work… Where Women Work focuses on opportunities for women at all stages of their professional life to advance their careers with progressive employers. Sign up for their newsletter and get the latest on job opportunities… Continue Reading Competitions (LOTS of…), summer placements and opportunities for women from top global employers…

Is your CV wafer thin?

 We recently ran a blog post on Unpacking Your Skills. You may have read this and either thought, yes I have most of that and can dig out some great evidence  or you may have thought… ‘yikes what do they mean? ‘  or ‘I don’t have any of that!’ If you are in the latter group… Continue Reading Is your CV wafer thin?

Make 2017 better with Change100, Charityworks and the Koreo Prize

You’d be forgiven for regarding 2016 as a year of almost unremitting foulness, mean spiritedness and cruelty – or perhaps you weren’t unfortunate enough to get stuck in a lift with me (so many people to apologise to…). Let’s take a moment to focus on 2017 and opportunities to move on from despair and build… Continue Reading Make 2017 better with Change100, Charityworks and the Koreo Prize

Chemistry, Construction, Television and Cambridge BA funding – term’s ending but the money keeps coming…

Check out these chances to lay your hands on all manner of funding… Closing 27 June at 4pm BST! British Council and Royal Society of Chemistry welcome applications for Researcher Link Workshop Grants under Newton Bhabha Fund for 2016. Only Chemistry related applications are invited. http://bit.ly/28ppEkT Closing 30 June! Applications are open for the Travis… Continue Reading Chemistry, Construction, Television and Cambridge BA funding – term’s ending but the money keeps coming…

Business Startup Summer Course

This summer, the beepurple team is hosting TWO courses. One, called UltraViolet, is aimed at students and graduates who would like to set up their own business or community project, and the other, called The Big 6, is aimed at students and graduates who would like to boost their employability, and develop six ESSENTIAL skills… Continue Reading Business Startup Summer Course

Events round-up! Graduate job fairs, social work recruitment, science, construction, teaching and start-ups. Bags don’t come more mixed than this one…

Think things are winding down for the end of the academic year? Well of course you don’t, you’re climbing the walls with exams, revision and sundry deadlines BUT things are still happening on Planet Careers too. For instance… Friday 13 May, Making it Happen: Entrepreneurship and Start-Up Ventures. Brought to you by NatWest bank and Sussex… Continue Reading Events round-up! Graduate job fairs, social work recruitment, science, construction, teaching and start-ups. Bags don’t come more mixed than this one…

Turning a dream job into reality

Many people talk about their ‘dream’ job and how they would love to do this. All of us have different hopes and aspirations and there may different routes into your chosen area. This blog will help you to identify what your dream job is and what steps can you take to make it happen. Or… Continue Reading Turning a dream job into reality

Enterprise Ideas Competition – Top Prize £2,250

  As we’re such a generous bunch at the university, we’ve decided to throw a load of cash your way. “How much?”, you ask. £10,000 in total. “What’s the catch?”. There are many. Just kidding. Santander Universities generously provide the funding, and the prize money is awarded to the most innovative businesses ideas across 3… Continue Reading Enterprise Ideas Competition – Top Prize £2,250

How can I think more creatively?

Creative thinking is a skill which we can all develop (Dyer et al., 2011). Consider it a muscle which we can flex. It is a process fuelled by conscious and unconscious insight: of generating ideas, concepts and associations (Serrat, 2009), and an ability to make connections between seemingly unrelated things – like a subconscious game… Continue Reading How can I think more creatively?

Sign Up for beepurple Entrepreneurship Events Now!

    If you’re new to the university, welcome, if you’re returning to university after the summer holiday, welcome back!   beepurple is the University of Brighton’s entrepreneurship programme, which is open to all students, graduates and staff. We provide free enterprise skills development workshops, confidential one-to-one business support sessions, and ideas competitions to help… Continue Reading Sign Up for beepurple Entrepreneurship Events Now!

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