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Advice from Coca-Cola European Partners on job searching during COVID-19

The University of the West of England’s GradLink organisation held an interview with the Bulgarian Talent Acquisition team from Coca-Cola European Partners plc to discuss graduate job recruitment in the ongoing pandemic. They covered a range of areas giving advice to students on how to become the ideal candidate. Networking It isn’t about how many… Continue Reading Advice from Coca-Cola European Partners on job searching during COVID-19

Would you like work experience from home? Remote volunteering is an option

‘Remote volunteering’ AKA ‘volunteering from home’ essentially means physically working away from the community organisation who you are volunteering for. It is not uncommon, however during the Covid-19 it is more important than ever. It helps support the community the voluntary sector maintain service delivery and in particular perhaps, organisations who work with vulnerable clients… Continue Reading Would you like work experience from home? Remote volunteering is an option

Volunteering for Positive Health and Wellbeing

One thing I keep learning is that the secret of being happy is doing things for other people – Dick Gregory Research* has indicated that volunteering helps increase physical activity and reduce stress. Even just having a reason to leave the house gets you up and out for a walk, after Covid-19 lockdown of course! Volunteering… Continue Reading Volunteering for Positive Health and Wellbeing

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