Would you like work experience from home? Remote volunteering is an option

Woman sitting at her computer, writing on a notepad

‘Remote volunteering’ AKA ‘volunteering from home’ essentially means physically working away from the community organisation who you are volunteering for.

It is not uncommon, however during the Covid-19 it is more important than ever.

It helps support the community the voluntary sector maintain service delivery and in particular perhaps, organisations who work with vulnerable clients or have an increased need in the current situation e.g. those who already support the socially isolated or provide key community services.

Furthermore, for students who are missing out on in-person volunteering, it is a way to get work experience and develop employability skills, whilst staying safe at home during lockdown.

Volunteering from home roles could be something that is directly related to your degree or something a bit different that enables you to get some useful tranferable skills, such as information management, analytical skills, project management or people skills such as communication and leadership. Why are tranferable skills important? – They can be applied to almost any job or work sector and are not subject specific.

Calling all Brighton University students:

Take this opportunity to get some fantastic experience and add to your CV whilst you are in lockdown, and at the same time, get some good feeling by linking up with others and making a positive impact on your local community during Covid-19.

Find out more, contact the University’s Volunteering Service, Active Student

To find out more about volunteering opportunities, please contact your friendly university Volunteering Service Team, Active Student, to find out more or register. We are based in the Careers Service and working from home at the moment; booking student appointments on video call.

Online: www.brighton.ac.uk/careers/volunteering

E-mail: volunteering@brighton.ac.uk

Telephone: 01273 644145 (please leave a message with your full name, number and some brief details and we will call you back as soon as we can).


Image: courteousy of https://www.pexels.com/@rethaferguson



covid-19CVemployability skillsremote volunteeringskillsvolunteering from homework experience

Kat Saunders • 24/04/2020

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