What are THEY saying about YOU? A round-up of hot topics and gossip from the graduate job market.

Welcome to the first WATSAY (now there’s an uncannily apposite acronym *ahem*) of 2018. For newbies and those not paying attention, this is where we take a look at key issues being discussed by graduate recruiters, professional internet talkers and take an occasional pop at those people who talk about ‘students’ and ‘graduates’ like they’re… Continue Reading What are THEY saying about YOU? A round-up of hot topics and gossip from the graduate job market.

Careers Service website has moved house. Check out our flashy new digs…

“walking through an empty house, tears in my eyes…” …okay, maybe that’s a overdoing it a little, but anyone currently clearing out a year or more of junk in preparation for a move will know how much fun that can be. Spare a thought for the poor suffering Careers Service (mostly me *preen preen*) who… Continue Reading Careers Service website has moved house. Check out our flashy new digs…

Get Flexible: How much does your degree choice limit your job prospects?

We’re back again with a guest post from our besties at Inspiring Interns. This time out Susanna Quirke, Content Writer and Marketing Exec. offers an insightful piece on how your choice of degree may or may not determine your career options. Sitting comfortably?… Got a maths degree? You must be a shoo-in for finance. Did… Continue Reading Get Flexible: How much does your degree choice limit your job prospects?

What are THEY saying about YOU? Hot topics and rank gossip from the graduate labour market.

Welcome to the first of a new series where we take a look at what going down around the global corporate water cooler, or being bashed out on angry borderline sociopaths’ blogs – the few remaining ones who aren’t being lined up for jobs at the White House, that is. Moving on… Graduation selfies: student… Continue Reading What are THEY saying about YOU? Hot topics and rank gossip from the graduate labour market.

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