Graphic image for The StartUp Hive 2024, from beepurple the Student Enterprise team.

Want to work for yourself?

Then sign up for beepurple’s FREE four-day summer school, The StartUp Hive 2024,  to get you launch-day ready! Every June, we, your Student Enterprise team, deliver a practical and engaging startup summer school, The StartUp Hive, exclusively for University of Brighton students and graduates. This year, the FREE four-day course takes place from Monday, 10… Continue Reading Want to work for yourself?

Be inspired to find your purpose and passion in this live beepurple event open to all

Neurodiverse Founders: dynamic startup stories Wednesday, 1 March, from 5:30pm until 7:30pm, in-person, City Campus. Do you have millions of ideas but get overwhelmed trying to do too much? Do you have a passion that could lead to a great freelance business, social enterprise or startup but feel frozen and hesitant to unlock your brilliance?… Continue Reading Be inspired to find your purpose and passion in this live beepurple event open to all

Don’t forget that the deadline for entries to the  University of Brighton’s annual ideas competition, generously sponsored by Santander Universities, is coming fast.  Don’t, miss your chance to tell the beepurple startup team about your creative ideas for new products,  freelance services, digital solutions, or community projects. Competition winners not only receive cash prizes –… Continue Reading

beepurple shows you how to create a one page business plan

Making a plan for your startup:  get your ideas out of your head and into action Free workshop, Wednesday, 16 November 2022, 5.30pm-7.30pm, in person, Elm House, Moulescoomb Grab your ticket here When you have a new idea for a startup, it is sometimes difficult to know how to work out whether your idea is… Continue Reading beepurple shows you how to create a one page business plan

graphic created in Canva

How do you create and run a startup or freelance business in a sustainable and socially responsible way?..

  …Find out by  joining our free beepurple webinar on 23 March featuring a panel of local, ethical founders who will share their tips with you…. What is the name of this event? The ethically minded startup When and where does it take place? Wednesday 23 March, from 5:30pm – 7:30pm held virtually via Zoom Describe… Continue Reading How do you create and run a startup or freelance business in a sustainable and socially responsible way?..

FREE Zoom beepurple workshop on hype-free marketing tactics for students and alumni going freelance or setting up their own business

No research, no marketing, no sales: get your marketing working  using empathy, authority and story to build your customer base Wednesday 17 November, from 5.30–7.30pm BOOK your FREE place here   Having recently launched their own new business, marketing expert Simon Batchelar @pallantdigital is perfectly placed to remind you of the importance of researching your… Continue Reading FREE Zoom beepurple workshop on hype-free marketing tactics for students and alumni going freelance or setting up their own business

Ask the founder: join beepurple in a live chat with four amazing University of Brighton creative entrepreneurs and freelancers

Wednesday 10 November, from 5:30pm – 7:30pm, on Zoom Sign up here, it’s free:   To celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week 2021 (starting 8 November), beepurple are bringing together a panel of creative practitioners (all former UoB students) to discuss what it takes to start from scratch and build up your own company. In this… Continue Reading Ask the founder: join beepurple in a live chat with four amazing University of Brighton creative entrepreneurs and freelancers

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