Are you exploring your next steps after university and looking for some support?
PWC would like to invite you to their Females of the Future – Office Insight events where they’ll help you to develop relationship skills and boost your confidence.
The sessions will take place during the afternoon in the PWC offices, where you’ll hear from some of PWC’s inspiring female leaders and receive guidance for effective networking. You’ll also have the opportunity to put this into practice by networking with members from their various networks/communities, such as PWC’s Gender Balance Network.
Click here to view our upcoming Females of the Future sessions and register your preference.
More London – Tuesday 14th Feb
Start at 2pm
2.00-2.10pm Welcome/icebreaker (10 mins)
2.10-2.30pm Who are PwC and why diversity matters to us (20 mins)
2.30-3.00pm Hear from a female leader (focus on networks and coaching) (30 mins)
5 min break
3.05-3.30pm Networking top tips (30 mins)
3.30-4.30pm Putting that into practice speed networking with networks at PwC inc gender balance, career coaches, diversity networks (1 hour)
4.30-4.50pm Round off about opportunities and selection process (20 mins)
Close at 5pm