Free lunchtime beepurple webinar for entrepreneurs and freelancers on how to pitch your idea
What is the name of this live webinar?
Nail your pitch
When and where does it take place?
Wednesday, 9 February from 1pm until 2pm on Zoom.
Describe the event
Learn how to talk about your startup or business idea in an engaging and market-focused way. This is essential when describing your business to your customer as well as when you are networking, pitching to funders, or participating in competitions or assessments.
What is the aim of the event?
Your pitch is an essential element of your startup. It is what grabs attention and draws in customers, partners, investors, and PR.
During this insightful, one-hour workshop, you will discover what makes an effective pitch, in terms of structure, content, and delivery. You’ll also learn about the common mistakes made by founders and how best to avoid them.
What are the intended learning outcomes?
By the end of this practical session, you will:
- Have learned the essential components of a powerful pitch
- Know how to deliver an engaging pitch
- Feel more confident about pitching.
Who is delivering this workshop?
Neema Amin is a growth strategist for early-stage startups and growth-oriented individuals. As the founder of @escapestrategist , she helps founders transition from dreaming about doing something meaningful with their lives to actually building a sustainable, scalable business that is making a positive impact in the world. Neema is also Head of Ventures at Suss Ventures, the investment arm of Sussex Innovation Centre and in partnership with the University of Sussex. Here, she connects investors to early-stage opportunities for strategic investment and funding opportunities.
Who should attend this workshop?
This workshop is suitable for anyone who has an idea for a startup or is already running an early-stage business and needs practice and expert advice on pitching. It is also perfect for anyone who needs to sharpen their pitching skills to enter the Plus X residency competition and the Santander University of Brighton Ideas Competition (details coming soon), or who is required to pitch as part of an academic assessment.
How do I register for this event?
The workshop is open exclusively to students and graduates of the University of Brighton. It is free to attend, but booking is essential.
To book your place, go to:
To enter the Plus X residency competition place:
Enter the Plus X residency competition