Turning a dream job into reality

Many people talk about their ‘dream’ job and how they would love to do this. All of us have different hopes and aspirations and there may different routes into your chosen area.
This blog will help you to identify what your dream job is and what steps can you take to make it happen. Or if need be also look at Plan B and even Plan C en route.

It could also be your dream job involves being self employed, however you still need to think about your potential clients and customers, who is going to buy your product or service?
If your dream job is to be an actor or a sports star then obviously you need a great talent to get noticed and a lot of luck. Hard work alone won’t get you there.
You also need to get out there and show your skills to the world. If you want be a journalist then you need to writing as much as you can – so blogs, websites, getting features in magazines if possible. Have you got a specialism or a certain style of writing? Can you get work experience ?

If your dream job is to work in say an investment bank then apply for summer internships and any other work experience in good time. Make sure you are building a good profile on social networking sites such LinkedIn using the type of language employers in your chosen field use. Comment intelligently on relevant events.
If you want to be an actor then take part in performances. Students need to always put their degree first but you can build valuable experience through your course or external opportunities.
If your dream job is in the creative field then take a look at recent blog on opportunities in the creative field.

Looking for experience in the creative industries? Here’s a snapshot of current opportunities…

What exactly is your dream job? Can you give it a title?
What does it involve? Who would you work for and if self employed who are your customers or clients?
Where is it located and what kind of employer is it?
Do you know how other people doing the job now have got in? There may be no one set route but an understanding of ways in may help.

All of us need to pay our way so Plan B or even Plan C does need to come into the equation sometimes. Especially if opportunities for Plan A are hard to find. However Plan B and C can still be linked to Plan A and may involve perhaps gaining some work experience and possibly contacts that help you get you to Plan A.
A good tip is to stay open to ideas and keep searching for a way in. It could be you modify your plans and Plan B turns out to be what you wanted.
Success is said to happen when opportunity meets hard work.
So …
Network in your chosen field or as near to as possible. Look out for networking events.
Get involved and offer to help out at events
Build contacts through social networking sites
Can you get paid employment in the sector even at quite a low level to begin with?
Can you volunteer? Our volunteering programme Active student offers some great opportunities.http://about.brighton.ac.uk/careers/volunteer/
Do you need help and advice on becoming self employed? If so our beepurple team can help.
Keep looking for opportunities.

YARR! Penny Farthing! Thomas Gibbard via Compfight

beepurplecareersemployabilityemployabillity skillsemployersenterprisejob huntingjobstransferable skillsvolunteering

Pamela Coppola • 04/02/2016

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