Tagged: new designers

New Designers

 NewDesigners NewDesigners2

Good New Designers show yesterday, getting quite busy by the evening. Well done to everyone for fundraising, designing and building the stand, and looking great! Good to see some of our alumni there too, including our own Stephen Morgan helping to run the exhibition and looking super cool (see his work at http://showandtelldesign.com/). Still time to go as the show runs until Saturday – http://vimeo.com/newdesigners/showreel2012

Exhibition 2013


Well done to all students from every year for their end of year exhibitions, especially final years with a brilliant closing schools outreach programme.  See you next at New Designers. Thanks also to our industrial friends at Aqualisa, Brightwell, Modo, Thales, Brighton and Hove City Council, and others including all of our guest speakers, who supported us this year.  The exhibition video clip is here – http://youtu.be/mLlpgoh0NnM

New Designers 2013 Preparation Day


A few final year students headed to the Business Design Centre in Islington last Friday for the New Designers 2013 preparation day.

We met the New Designers team, and other business professionals, and details on how to make the most of the upcoming exhibition were discussed, such as stand presentation, exhibition PR, and intellectual property.

Keep up to date with the upcoming 3rd – 6th July exhibition on Facebook & Twitter.

Exhibition Update

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We are in the process of designing our exhibition space for New Designer 2013, and features sustainable stands designed which make use of re-used and recycled materials sourced locally around Brighton such as chipboard and cardboard tubes.

The space is designed to showcase around 20 students’ projects, with the other students having their work presented on a television screen.