Tagged: exhibition



The Public viewing of First year Product Design work will be in the Design Studio from 09.30 to 17.00 on 14th May. The 2nd year public event will be from 11.00 to 17.00 on 18th May, and 09.30 to 17.00 on 19th May.  The Final year exhibition is supported by a number of sponsors including UK Power Networks and will be in central Brighton’s Jubilee Square from 10.00 to 18.00 on 1st and 2nd June, and 10.00 to 16.00 on 3rd June. Information about this exhibition is available on line here. Please take the time to visit each exhibition and talk about the work on display.

The end is nigh . . .


Sorry that we haven’t been talking much lately, it’s been very, very busy. Des, Eddy, Cathy, Steven and a sprinkling of students are currently all down in Southampton presenting at the Ergonomics & Human Factors Cconference (http://www.ehf2014.org.uk/), Mark is working on some interesting developments for his PhD, and I’m just back from reviewing product design courses at two other Universities for the IED.

Our own course changes seem to be working well although we’ll have a full review at the end of the year. It’s easy though to see that our 4 new maker bots have been particularly helpful, and good to have our Designer in Residence Hamish on hand to help out as well.

After the Easter break we have a few more teaching weeks then will start our exhibition series. First year work is viewable by the public on Wed 14th, 2nd years on Wed 21st, and final years on 30th and 31st May in the Basement rooms (Friday 16.00 to 22.00 and Saturday 10.00 to 18.00, http://www.thebasement.uk.com/venue_home.html). Some final years will be then up at New Designers as usual from 2nd to 5th July.

Thanks to all of those who have been keeping in touch with us – some really great stuff going on out there. I hope that we’ll be able to catch up with some of you at these events.


Barber Osgerby: In the Making

The Design Museum’s latest exhibition In The Making opened yesterday, curated by award winning and well celebrated designers Barber & Osgerby.

Open from now until May 4th, In The Making captures over 20 objects mid-manufacture showing them off at the ‘centre-stage’ of their design process. An interesting range of products have been chosen by the British design duo, from everyday objects such as a cricket bat, £2 coin and coke can to Barber Osgerby’s very own London 2012 Olympic Torch, which won the Design Museum’s Design of the Year in 2012.

in the making 2
Cricket Bat / Barber & Osgerby / Derwent Pencils

The objects have been selected because they each have an unexpected  quality about them in those moments, hours or days before they assume  their final, recognisable form. These points in the making process capture a  peculiar and unconventional slice of time in the production of everyday  objects such as tennis balls, banknotes and even diamonds.The Design Museum

in the making
Optic Lens / Exhibition Graphics / Aluminium Can

Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby comment ‘We have always been  fascinated by the making process as it is an integral part of our work. We have curated an exhibition that will provide a platform to capture and reveal  a frozen moment in the manufacturing process and unveils an everyday
object in its unfinished state. Often the object is as beautiful, if not more so,  than the finished product!’

What: In The Making
Where: Design Museum, SE1 2YD
When: 22 January – 4 May
Price: Adult £12.40 / Student £9.30

Visit designmuseum.org for more information

Also currently showing at the Design Museum:

Extraordinary Storiesends 9 March

New Designers 2013 Preparation Day


A few final year students headed to the Business Design Centre in Islington last Friday for the New Designers 2013 preparation day.

We met the New Designers team, and other business professionals, and details on how to make the most of the upcoming exhibition were discussed, such as stand presentation, exhibition PR, and intellectual property.

Keep up to date with the upcoming 3rd – 6th July exhibition on Facebook & Twitter.

Exhibition Update

4s 6s

We are in the process of designing our exhibition space for New Designer 2013, and features sustainable stands designed which make use of re-used and recycled materials sourced locally around Brighton such as chipboard and cardboard tubes.

The space is designed to showcase around 20 students’ projects, with the other students having their work presented on a television screen.